Archives for category: Article


Modernization, Democratization and Politicization: Mass Media in 1920s Europe

1920s Europe witnessed the development of a “mass media ensemble” of press and illustrated magazines, radio, and sound film, which, as Axel Schildt (2001) has argued, remained stable until the proliferation of television in the 1960s. While the differences between the national “versions” of this ensemble were profound a number of factors were found across 1920s Europe: first, where the press had been the dominant mass medium, it retained this role expanding its reach and diversifying its product range, but it also was subjected to increased economic pressure and concentration. Second, radio rose as the new mass medium of the 1920s. In most European countries, the state played a central role in its establishment, but the result was often not straightforward state control but a hybrid model, particularly in the United Kingdom, Sweden, and the Netherlands. While radio programming differed considerably, the conception of radio as a tool of public education (often modeled on ideas of “high culture”) seemed to be a European‐wide approach.

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The Material Culture of Modern Politics in Cold War Europe

This special issue explores the materiality of politics in Cold War Europe. Building on a revised political history that includes social movements and marginalized groups from below and examines the symbolism, language and performance of politics, we aim to connect with ongoing efforts to include material culture in the study of political history. The contributions to this issue focus on physical objects, spaces, and bodies. Read the rest of this entry »

The ‘Ullstein Spirit’
The Ullstein Publishing House, the End of the Weimar Republic and the Making of Cold War German Identity, 1925–77

in: Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 53 (2018), No. 1, pp. 158-184

Abstract: This article examines the role of the Ullstein company, a liberal publishing house with Jewish roots and one of Germany’s most important cultural producers, in the disintegration and the subsequent historical interpretation of the Weimar Republic. Read the rest of this entry »


“Bad” Politics and “Good” Culture
New Approaches to the History of the Weimar Republic

in: Central European History, Volume 49 (2016), Issue 3-4, pp. 441-453

Abstract: More than thirty years ago, Eberhard Kolb commented that the vast wealth of research on the history of the Weimar Republic made it “difficult even for a specialist to give a full account of the relevant literature.” Since then, the flood of studies on Weimar Germany has not waned, and by now it is hard even to keep track of all the review articles meant to cut a swath through this abundance. Yet the prevailing historical image of the era has remained surprisingly stable: most historians have accepted the master narrative of the Weimar Republic as the sharp juxtaposition of “bad” politics and “good” culture, epitomized in the often-used image of “a dance on the edge of a volcano.” Read the rest of this entry »


Das veränderliche “Gesicht der weiblichen Generation”. Ein Beitrag zur politischen Kulturgeschichte der späten Weimarer Republik in: Gabriele Metzler and Dirk Schumann (eds.), Geschlechter(un)ordnung in der Weimarer Republik, pp. 217-253.

Abstract: Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet am Beispiel der Boulevardzeitung Tempo, wie sich der öffentliche Diskurs über das Geschlechterverhältnis in der Spätphase der Weimarer Republik im Zusammenhang mit wirtschaftlichen und politischen Verschiebungen veränderte. Diese Zeit war von einem Bemühen geprägt, Ordnung in die Unordnung der Vorstellungen über die gesellschaftliche Rolle der Frau zu bringen, die die 1920er geprägt hatte. Read the rest of this entry »


Politics and Culture in the Weimar Republic in: Steve Ellis and Alan Farmer (eds.), The Quest for Political Stability: Germany 1871-1991, pp. 142-143.


The Modernized Gretchen
Transformations of the New Woman in the late Weimar Republic

in: German History, Volume 33 (2015), issue 1, pp. 52-79

Abstract: The ‘New Woman’ was an important part of the culture and society of Weimar Germany, both as a discursive figure and as social reality. However, the interdependencies between these two aspects – the ‘New Woman’ as a media phenomenon and as a lived reality – have not yet been investigated in depth. Read the rest of this entry »


“Die Zeitung der Zeit”
Die Tageszeitung Tempo und das Ende der Weimarer Republik

in: “Der ganze Verlag ist einfach eine Bonbonniere”. Ullstein in der ersten Hälfte des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts, ed. by Ute Schneider and David Oels (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014), pp. 137-159.

Abstract: Using the example of the daily newspaper Tempo, this article analyzes the politico-ideological role of the Ullstein publishing company during the last years of the Weimar Republic. Read the rest of this entry »


Am 5. August 1933 wird die Tageszeitung Tempo eingestellt – als erstes Ullsteinblatt nach der Machtübernahme Hitlers.

in: Deutsches Pressemuseum im Ullsteinhaus, Pressechronik 1933, 5 August 2013

Tempo, das jüngste Kind in Ullsteins Zeitungssortiment, sollte den Lebensstil der jungen Generation der Weimarer Republik bedienen, die unter den Einflüssen des demokratischen Umbruchs von 1918/19 und einer beginnenden Konsumgesellschaft aufgewachsen war. Mit dem Namen, der modernen Aufmachung und der hohen Erscheinungsrate – zwischenzeitlich gab es drei verschiedene Ausgaben pro Tag – orientierte sich der Verlag laut der Geschäftsführung an Vorbildern aus New York und London. Read the rest of this entry »

Beyond Glitter and Doom
The New Paradigm of Contingency in Weimar Research

in: Beyond Glitter and Doom. The Contingency of the Weimar Republic, ed. by Jochen Hung, Godela Weiss-Sussex, Geoff Wilkes (Munich: iudicium, 2012), pp. 9-15.

The Weimar Republic has received more attention in popular culture and academic research than almost any other phase in German history. But despite the plethora of books, films, exhibitions and articles on the period, its prevailing image remains surprisingly simplistic. Read the rest of this entry »